Friday, February 13, 2015

My Crazy Vegan Life : What I learned about Twitter.

My Crazy Vegan Life : What I learned about Twitter.: Today is a Twitter kind of day.  I have decided I am just not using twitter to its fullest potential. Being self employed I need to con...

What I learned about Twitter.

Today is a Twitter kind of day.  I have decided I am just not using twitter to its fullest potential. Being self employed I need to constantly stay on top of my game and ahead of the competition.  So I have decided to do a little research on Twitter.  I have found some great pointers and thought I would share them with you.  The first one was the most obviously lol all hail Caption Obvious HASHTAGS !  Yes that little symbol that for many of us old timers called a pound sign #.  Not sure when it went from pound to hashtag? Well have no fear a little Wikipedia quickly answered that question the first hashtag was used on August 23th 2007 by Chris Messina also know for helping Spread Firefox.  So there is your little tidbit  for today.  Now for some tips on  Tweeting
1. Use  ###  Hashtag  the more you use the more engagement you will get on your tweets it is proven that Tweets with Hashtags get double the engagement rate and grow more followers.
2. Tweet Times did you know there a better times to tweet?  Who knew??  Tweeting between 9am and 3pm Monday through Thursday are the prime times to Tweet.  Why not Friday well after a little more research it turns out that everyone starts to wind down on Fridays and the Twitter traffic slows down.  Now a there are other social medias that pick up on Fridays and the weekends but I will save that for another time. 
3. Using Hashtags in your Bio.  Again with the Hashtags see a theme here hehe.  If you don't already have them  then go right now and add hashtags to your bio.  Why you ask ?  Well with hashtags in your bio you become easier to find during searches those hashtags will come up.  So Hashtag away.
4. Make List when you are first starting it is fun to see your followers or who you are following come up on your feed.  But as time goes on and followers grow you want to be able to separate them into list. This makes it easier to find and connect with a fellow Tweeter.  It is recommended that you start sorting your list early on before it becomes overwhelming.  (Hmmm guess who is spending the weekend sorting list). 
5. Use visuals:  Tweets with Images are 94% more likely to be ReTweeted.  So add those pics show the tweeters what you are doing.
Well I think that is enough info for today I know my head is spinning.
 #Twitter  #Hashtag  #Girlfriday  #Celadon  #Road  #crazy  #vegan  #Life

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Tampa love

A crazy busy day yesterday at Kumquat Festival. It is great to come down every year and have repeat customers who just love the Celafon Road products 
Today is about resting and chillin in the sun poolside. I could really get used to these Tampa winters. 

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Kumquat Festival.

Crazy few days. But I am here in very sunny Tampa. Well not that sunny right now it is 5:00 am. :). Heading out to our annual Kumquat festival a huge outdoor festival in Dade City Fl.  This will be our 4 year there with Celadon Road. We are packed and ready to go. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The hair is done the brows are sculptured and the facial is in progress.  I try to routinely do the mud mask but lately things have been so crazy I seem to have fallen behind. So today is an extra treat just the fabulous smell of the Lavender Vanilla is enough reason to  keep it on longer.   Counting down to sharing Celadon Road with everyone at the Kumquat Festival .  So looking forward to some warmer weather too.

Friday, January 23, 2015

My Life as a VA

In my life as a VA I mostly work from home but occasionally I have the ability to work at a location with a client. Today I am fortunate enough to work at a great location. My office for today. Yes there is a bed in the room. One of the most peaceful rooms to work in. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Winter Wonderland

Happy Thursday !  The week is quickly coming to end where does the time go.  Yesterday we had some snow not my favorite time of year as many know winter and snow is not my favorite.  I am a true Cuban I crave warm weather.  Not that I would want to live in a year round warm climate I love the fall and fall fashion who doesn't love sweaters and boots.  So I am always torn. but right about now I am counting down to getting to Tampa.  Sharing the Green in  a warmer climate !! 


Sunday, January 18, 2015

I am going to take a few minutes between football games to post my yummy comfort foods for this rainy day in Maryland.  We started the day with a family breakfast the only day of the week when we can all sit together.  Tofu scramble. Platanos and some New York style Bialy's a yummy start to the day
Tonight ends with a Irish Stew that has been cooking all day in the Crock Pot and some fresh baked Beer Bread another hardy meal to end the day.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Fabulous Friday !!! I don't know about you guys but I am excited that it is Friday it has been a busy week a good week but a busy one. With all this cold I am excited to start getting ready for my annual Kumquat Festival in Dade Florida. Every January when it is bitter cold here in Maryland I thank the powers that be that I work for Celadon Road and it allows me to travel and share all the fabulous products in warmer states lol. I have to say that 5 years ago when I joined Celadon Road I never thought it  would bring me so much more then just an income.  Looking so forward to hanging with my bestie Chanelle. I even get to watch the super bowl with the Brennan's this year.   Well that' it for me now I will check over the weekend feels like a comfort food weekend will post pics. 

#celadonroad #friday #celadon #Kumquat #Festival # weekend.